While I won't be stocking up on Saran Wrap or buying rubber pants any time soon, I might pick up some new designer briefs for the next time underwear night rolls around. If you are the least bit curious about exploring a fetish niche, there are plenty of specialty events you can attend. It's also not as intimidating or crazy as you might think. Bars and also clubs have a couple of licenses: most close at 2am (3am on Saturdays) as well as a few keep open after-hours till 4am (5am on Saturdays). In fact, I found that the men at both places were a lot friendlier while standing around in their Calvin Kleins or rubber jock straps than most people are at any 'generic' bar. side of Boystown - Cellblock is the only leather, boots, uniform, fetish, and cowboy bar serving. Gay life in Chicago is primarily concentrated in two areas: Boytown ( East Lakeview) as well as Andersonville at the north side of the city. It wasn't exclusive or cliquish in any way. Cell Block - Spartacus Gay Map Chicago » Cell Block Bars - Cell Block Beer Bust every Sun. * Everyone at both events was extremely friendly. At the rubber event, a guy was wearing a head-to-toe rubber body suit and red Air Jordan high-tops. Not to be a slave to fashion, but one guy was wearing tasseled penny loafers, and it looked silly with his tighty-whities.
Luckily, I happened to be wearing a pair of Adidas that matched exactly the color of my briefs (turquoise).